Piatti del giorno 34
2013 is finally gonna be the year of Linux on the desktop. I can feel it.
- Why I Don’t Use ActiveSupport::Concern - Includes a few extended explanations of concerns about concerns, include and extend. Language is hard.
- Rust for Rubyists - “Gimme the sparkly! I gotta have the sparkly! Mrs. B, I gotta have it! Girls can’t resist sparklies! Oh, please? PLEEEEEEEZ?”
- All Late Projects Are the Same - In short, your project is mired in lateness because it started late, and it couldn’t have started on time because that would have meant justifying the true cost up front, instead of lowballing it and relying on panic after the missed deadline(s) and blown budget to obscure the fact that, no, it probably wasn’t really worth that much. Ouch. (H/t @davejohnson).
- Financial control and useless projects - Speaking of Tom DeMarco’s wisdom and pith, “[S]trict control is something that matters a lot on relatively useless projects and much less on useful projects.”
- No silver bullet, reloaded - Why Uncle Bob’s article on functional programming in PragMag this month was facile.