Piatti del giorno 48
WWDC excitement is certainly tinged with more bittersweetness than last year’s.
- Auto Layout Performance on iOS - Everything costs something, including–it turns out–asking your phone to solve middling-sized simultaneous sets of linear equations to position stuff.1
- Downfalls of Distributed Startups - Astute, and unlikely to be less important by this time next year, or the year after (and so on).
- RESTful thinking considered harmful - Exposing CRUD operations is not REST.
- Scaling Pinterest - From 0 to 10s of Billions of Page Views a Month in Two Years - In heavily-loaded servers as with, say, bridges: dramatic-looking engineering probably isn’t really (via Marco Arment).
- Usability checklist - A useful last-minute punch list for common usability goofs.
- Common Misconceptions About Touch - TL;DR: Minimum tap target is 8mm (not 44 “points”) and shouldn’t be closer together than 10mm on centre, minimum readable point size is bigger on a tablet because they’re usually farther from your eyes, and the touch target can and usually should be bigger than the visual target. (You should still read this, though).
To paraphrase Boss Wolf from Kung Fu Panda 2:
“Is layout code part of ‘everything?’“
“Uh, yeah?”
(What can I say… having a four-year-old involves a great many repeated viewings of the Kung Fu Panda oeuvre).↩