Piatti del giorno 70
Remember, kids, today demonstrated why you always have two ways for water to get off a flat roof, and why the second one should cast off the water in as noisy a way as possible so you have some way of knowing the first is plugged before water starts dripping from your ceiling.
- Code Guide by @mdo - Maybe not the be-all end-all, but I do like having an order spelled out for HTML attributes and CSS declarations, even if it could have gone another way.
- The Metacircular Evaluator - “It is no exaggeration to regard this as the most fundamental idea in programming: The evaluator, which determines the meaning of expressions in a programming language, is just another program.”
- The True Identity of Andy’s Mom In “Toy Story” Will Blow Your Mind - Dang. That is attention to detail, on the part of both sender and receiver (h/t Zach Drayer).
- So, this is happening on Twitter… - Patrick Stewart. Sir Patrick Stewart.