Piatti del giorno 74
Man, these links really build up when you’re swamped for a month.
- Cripple the Prototype - That which can–with whatever minimal plausibility–go into production will go into production.
- WTF, HTML and CSS? - As it says on the tin.
- The Right Way to Ask Users for iOS Permissions - Good way to think about this and other effectively one-shot-to-get-it-right system settings.
- Sketch in 3D space using Augmented Reality - Drop the latency by one or two orders of magnitude and we might be onto something.
- Flux - Design iOS Transitions and Export Working Xcode Projects - More neat animation tools (h/t Jim Dalrymple).
- Can we design machines to automate ethics? - I’m not at all sure whether I want this to be an example of or counterexample to Betteridge’s Law (h/t Alexis Madrigal).
- On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git - Things you shouldn’t need to know but do.
- RoomScan - Well, I’ll be damned. It actually works. Still need a tape for sanity check, but still.
- Tweaks - I remember hypothesizing that these frameworks were inevitable once iOS 7 came out. Yay, me. (Though TunableSpec seems a bit more what I had in mind… a bit more of a snack than an enormous banquet).
- Algorithm and Blues - Back-to-unixy-basics pushback on the current state of JS build tools.
- Full-Stack Startups - I don’t think this is the same use of “full-stack” as is typical in my circles.
- The state of Interaction Design tools - Insightful taxonomy; shame about the brogrammerish unthinking lizard-brain misogyny.
- Iconic - And I for one welcome our new Bézier overlords.
- Systems Past: the only 8 software innovations we actually use - Spoiler: all from between 1955 and 1970.
- 5-Year-Olds Can Learn Calculus - Guess I’d better try this before my 5-year-old turns into a 6-year-old (h/t Christopher Bowns).